In a bid to help school going girls to continue with school without interruptions on their self esteem and confidence, we have partnered with several Education Based Non Profit Organizations to give menstrual health education as well as offering free Lili Sanitary Pads to school girls.

The NGO's, which are directly receiving the company support, include SAVE THE COMMUNITY HEALTH INITIATIVE (SACOHEI), WOMEN TO WOMEN Organization and TUAMKE PAMOJA Organization. Speaking of our support, we gave away more than 12,000 LII Sanitary Pads to benefit more than 500 school girls in Tanzania who are from 12 schools in Dar es Salaam, Morogoro and Pwani Region in the year 2020 alone.

Our Initiative does not only provide these girls with sanitary pads, but also gives them helpful lectures on menstrual health, puberty and adolescence, reproductive health, and life in general.